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I work with individuals who are experiencing

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Stress related to life and adjustment issues

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Anxiety and depression

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Recent trauma or a history of trauma

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Eating and body image concerns

Therapy with me is a good fit for anyone who ...

  • Desires a genuine and authentic relationship for self-exploration and self-discovery.
  • Wants to be listened to, heard and supported with respect to their values and identity.
  • Seeks to develop concrete strategies and techniques to manage and thrive in daily life.


20 minute consultations

I offer a free 20 minute virtual or phone consultation. This is a time where you can ask questions about services and what it would be like to work with me. Choosing a therapist to work with is similar to an interview process. I encourage you to think about what qualities or skills you’d like a therapist to have that would make them the best fit for the “job”. Even if I turn out not to be a fit, I’m happy to provide you with referrals.

individual counseling sessions

Individual Counseling includes not only the session but coaching and support between sessions. I also collaborate with other providers such as relationship/family therapists, dietitians, psychiatrists, and any third party that you would like included on your team.

60 minute sessions- $185
90 minute sessions- $280
Reduced rates are available on a first come first serve basis.

online counseling

Online Counseling is the use of technology to provide mental health services at a distance. Services will be provided through interactive audio, video, and/or telephone communication. Online Counseling is not appropriate for all clients. We will regularly evaluate the appropriateness of this modality for your needs. If it becomes clear that online services are not suitable for your mental health needs, we will talk about different options that would better support you.

60 minute sessions- $185
90 minute sessions- $280
Reduced rates are available on a first come first serve basis.

What is Allyship?

Allyship is a constant learning process about others and about ourselves. It’s about listening and believing someone’s truth. It’s about using our voices to speak out and speak up for others. It’s about action. The Anti-Oppression Network describes allyship as an active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and re-evaluating, in which a person of privilege seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group of people. I offer allyship with all races, genders, and affiliations- anyone who seeks a safe place for self-discovery. All of us. All are welcome.

Why Is Allyship Important?

Mia McKenzie speaks about the active work of allyship in her article “No More Allies”. She describes that as long as oppression happens, the work of an ally must function at the same capacity, if not more. Identifying privileges can help increase awareness about being a part of and contributing to an oppressive system. With that awareness, conscious decisions can be made to intervene in the continuation of that oppressive system and be in solidarity with marginalized communities.

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